On February 4, 2011, the Alameda County School Health Services Coalition will convene the 2011 Alameda County School Health Conference. With the theme of "Building Equity in Full Service Community Schools", this conference will provide an exciting platform for educators, health providers, community partners, parents and youth to come together to discuss critical issues facing full service community schools in Alameda County. Featured speakers and presenters will include; Alex Briscoe, Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, Ammar Saheli, EdD, PPSC, San Lorenzo Unified School District, Caitlin Ryan, MSW, PhD, ACSW, Marian Wright Edelman Institute, SFSU, Kenneth V. Hardy, PhD, Drexel University, and more to come.
The Conference will address a range of topics on equity, healing from oppression, defining school discipline as a health issue, confronting the School-to-Prison pipeline affecting boys and young men of color, and the role of family in supporting the health of our LGBTQ youth.
There is no cost to attend and the conference will include a light breakfast and lunch. To register or learn more click here.